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Registration Form

Child's Personal Details

Child Visa - for a child whose nationality is neither British nor Irish. The School is currently a registered Child Visa Sponsor. Please tick this box if you may require the School to sponsor your child for visa/ immigration purposes. (Details of Child Visa sponsorship arrangements will be sent to everyone who ticks this box. Ticking this box does not guarantee that the School will sponsor your child or that the School is obliged to do so. The School reserves full discretion over any decision whether or not to sponsor your child.) If you do not require the School to sponsor your child, please confirm that your child as or will have permission to study in the United Kingdon under the Immigration Rules in any other immigration category (for example, as a dependent) and please provide a copy of their Biometric Residence Permit or a share code so that the School can verify their status online if leave has already been granted: ​​​​​​​
Is English your child's first language?
Select Entry Year Group*
Select Year of Entry*
Select Term of Entry
Boarding or Day Pupil*

First Parent's Details

Second Parent's Details - If Applicable

Oratory Connections

Do you have any family connections with The Oratory School?

Emergency Contact Details / Guardian Details

We will assume that emergency contact details are the parents. If this is not the case, please list alternative emergency contacts below.

Please supply details of a GUARDIAN if:

a. You are an OVERSEAS PARENT(S) as you are required to nominate a guardian who is resident in the UK, or

b. If you are UK parents and a guardian has been appointed in the UK under Section 5 of the Children Act 1989 by the court, or by a parent with parental responsibility, or by an existing guardian.

Agent Details - If Applicable

Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Please provide all details of any special educational needs that your child has (whether underlying, short-term or long-term). Please tick as appropriate, and provide all relevant details, including any reports or other materials to Please note, if you withhold or otherwise misrepresent any information of this nature, this may result in the school declining to make an offer of a place to your child or exercising its right to end the Parent Contract.​​​​​

Health/Medical Conditions

Please provide all details of any health or medical condition(s), disability or allergy that your child has (whether underlying, short-term or long-term). Please tick as appropriate, and provide all relevant details, including any reports or other materials to Please note, if you withhold or otherwise misrepresent any information of this nature, this may result in the school declining to make an offer of a place to your child or exercising its right to end the Parent Contract.​​​​​

Scholarships & Bursaries

Scholarships are available for 11 , 13 and 16 Entry only. It is not possible to apply for scholarships if the assessment dates have been missed. Please contact the Admissions Managers for further information.

Do you wish to apply for a scholarship for your child? Details of the arrangements for Scholarships will be sent to everyone who expresses an interest. Scholarships are awarded in recognition of a pupil's excellence in a subject area, they are not means tested. Applicants are welcome to apply for Bursaries as well as scholarships.​​​
Do you wish to apply for Bursary Assistance towards the fees? Bursary assistance may be offered subject to confirmation of your financial status and, if granted, will be subject to annual review. Details of arrangements for bursaries and application forms will be sent to everyone who expresses an interest.​

Registration Fee - £150 for UK passport holders / £250 for a child whose nationality is neither British nor Irish

Please note, a non-refundable registration fee is payable for applicants, with an additional £100 for visa coordination (if required) for overseas applications.

If you wish to make payment by bank transfer your bank will require the following details to ensure that the funds are transferred successfully to the school's bank account.

For UK Accounts:

Name of Bank: Lloyds Bank Plc
Account Name: The Oratory School
Account Number: 02532104
Sort Code: 30-96-96
Ref: Your Child's Name

For International Accounts:

IBAN: GB56 LOYD 3096 9602 5321 04
BIC Number: LOYDGB21011
Ref: Your Child's Name

It would be helpful if a copy of the bank transfer document could be emailed to:


We (as the holders of parental responsibility for him/her) wish to apply for a place at The Oratory School for the above-named child. We will arrange a bank transfer for the NON-REFUNDABLE Registration Fee of £150 and the £100 visa coordination fee (if applicable).

By completing this Registration Form we understand, accept and agree that:

1) our application does NOT secure our child a place at the School but does ensure that our child will be considered for selection as a pupil at the School;

2) if our child is offered a place at the School, such an offer will be subject to the School's terms and conditions for the provision of educational services (available on request), which will bind us (as the holders of parental responsibility for our child) in the event (and from the moment) that we accept the place;

3) in order to comply with the School's responsibilities as a registered Child Sponsor, the School may (if applicable) be required to notify and/ or supply information relating to us and/or our child's right to enter, reside and/or study in the United Kingdon to United Kingdom Visas and Immigration (UKVI), a department with the Home Office and, in any event if our child is offered a place at the School, such an offer will be subject to us proving that our child as the right to enter, live and study in the United Kingdom;

4) if applicable, the School may request from our child's present school or educational institution: a) information and a reference in respect of our child; and/or b) information about any outstanding fees and/or supplemental charges;

5) the information provided in this Registration Form is true, accurate, complete and not misleading. We will notify the School if there are any changes to the information provided to the School or our and/or our child's circumstances; and

6) the school may, with reference to one or both of us: i) undertake a credit check with a credit reference agency; ii) require us to provide the School's Bursar with a bank reference and/or an up-to-date credit report (including a credit score); and/or iii) ask us to demonstrate our ability to meet the School's fees and supplemental charges and the legitimate source of funds we will use to pay those fees and supplemental charges.

How we may use your personal information

The School may process personal data about you (or either of you) and your child, including sensitive personal data about your child (such as medical details) in accordance with data protection law for the purposes of:

i) administering its list of prospective pupils;

ii) its registration, selection and/or admission procedures, including as set out above; and

iii) communicating with the parents of prospective pupils about the School and generally managing relationships between the School and its prospective pupils.

Even if your child is not offered a place at the School, we retain information about prospective pupils and their parents. Personal data is kept for the purposes of the administration of the admissions department and is kept for the length of time a child would have been able to attend the School.

Further information about how the School processes personal data is set out in the School's Privacy Notice, which is on the School's website.

Read our privacy policy here:

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Contact Us

The Oratory School

Tel: +44 (0)1491 683500