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Co-Curricular Opportunities

Extraordinary opportunities to discover talents and passions

A wide array of co-curricular opportunities allows each individual to find an arena in which they can flourish and excel. The joy and confidence that success brings leads to greater determination and resilience when facing challenges in the classroom and in life.

Joy and Confidence

We believe in educating the whole person, enabling pupils to become confident all-rounders.

The wide variety of co-curricular activities help to enrich our pupils’ learning and provide fun, adventure and inspiration all year round. Pupils enjoy an exceptional variety of cultural, physical, and charitable activities that are at the core of a vast co-curricular programme that provides exciting opportunities for our pupils to develop and grow outside of the classroom.

There are three dedicated co-curricular sessions within the timetabled week, with over 50 diverse opportunities to choose from for pupils in 3rd Form and above. These allow pupils the opportunity to develop as a whole person within the language of Head, Heart and Hands (Mens, Cor, Manusque). We not only encourage our pupils to develop their existing talents and interests but also to try new things and get involved with as much as they can.

Enthusiastic participation in these activities enriches the whole educational experience at The Oratory School.

"All our children have thrived at The Oratory in their own way. From academic and sporting success to art and drama triumphs they have all found something that has given them confidence in themselves and led them to professional and personal success. We couldn’t be more proud of them."

An Oratory Parent


Get involved

Duke of Edinburgh, Schola Cantorum, Combined Cadet Force, Football, Chemistry Club, Drama, Chess, Photography, Cricket, Medical Society, Public Speaking, Fitness & Conditioning, Film-making, Board-gaming, Science Club, Literary Society, Swimming, Horse Riding, Ceramics, Golf, Big Band, Art Club, Maths Problems, Squash, Debating, Real Tennis, Investor Challenge, School Magazine, Art,  Surf Society, Community Service, International Society, Water Polo, Spin Bikes, Conservation, Business Society, Rugby, LAMDA, Charity Committee, Cooking, Rowing, Young Enterprise, Athletics, Computer Coding, Basketball, Meditation, Ballroom Dancing, Ergos, Instrument Ensembles, Running, First Aid, Shooting, Choirs, DT Club, Sacristans, Sporting Masterclasses, Animation Club, Language Conversation Clubs, Tennis, Socials


Challenges and journeys of discovery create memories that will last forever and are an important way of developing invaluable life skills such as leadership and team-work.

The CCF, Adventurous Training, the Duke of Edinburgh Award  and Skiing provide real challenge to pupils outside their normal comfort zone.

There is a varied programme of overseas trips that enables our pupils to expand their horizons and challenges them to develop their talents and their minds further.  Senior sports tours have visited South Africa & Ireland (Rugby), Barbados (Cricket) and Spain (Rowing); academic trips have gone to Iceland, Germany, Poland, France; and the music department has performed in Hong Kong and the U.S.A.




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 Igniting creativity & instilling confidence

Art & Design

The Good Schools Guide consistently awards The Oratory top accolades both for A Level and GCSE Art and Design, confirming its place as one of the top schools for art and design in the country. It is equipped with 12 specialist Art studios, including a photographic studio and darkroom, a clay room, a plaster and 3D room.


Music is an integral part of life at the school.  Our aim is to build a musical journey for every pupil in the school, whatever their level of musical ability or particular musical interest. There are rehearsals for ensembles every day of the week and individual lessons on instruments ranging from the piano to the bagpipes.


Drama provision is outstanding at the school and helps the pupils develop their imagination and self-expression, confidence and public speaking skills. All pupils get the opportunity to perform in our state of the art Theatre and Performing Arts Centre. You do not have to be on the stage to be involved with drama at the school.


Excellence In Sport

Our team of dedicated and passionate specialist teachers and professional coaches are on hand to provide high-quality tuition, master-classes and guidance, helping each pupil fulfil their sporting potential.




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The Oratory School

Tel: +44 (0)1491 683500