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The Oratory is awarded BSA 'Sleep Champion' status

The Oratory is delighted to have been awarded the Boarding Schools' Association (BSA) 'Sleep Champion' status following successful sleep audit completion, which puts sleep at the heart of our wellbeing programme.

The BSA Sleep Champions scheme aims to celebrate and give recognition to schools who are committed to improving sleep hygiene within their boarding facilities.

At The Oratory, we believe in a good night’s sleep. Teenagers need a minimum of 8-10 hours of sleep a night just to achieve their growing body needs. For learning, the brain needs 8-10 hours of sleep to process the day’s learning or revision into long-term memory knowledge. 

Dr Vicky Fogg explains some of the things we do to support the sleep patterns of our boarders:

  • Juniors have a 'no work in bedrooms' policy. We want to separate the working day from a restful evening and a great way to do this is to physically separate the spaces. Study happens in works rooms and common rooms, bedrooms are for sleep. For our older students who have single study bedrooms, the key is to never allow study on the bed; sitting at the desk is the place for work, the bed should remain clean, uncluttered and not subconsciously linked to the stress of the working day. 
  • Supervised bedtimes to ensure everyone follows a healthy wind-down routine. 
  • Tech is handed in each night and all our students have a minimum of 45 minutes tech break before bed, we encourage a much longer break whenever possible.
  • Rooms have bedside lamps and dimmable LEDS to ensure wind-down begins as soon as the “big light” goes out.
  • We have blackout curtains to ensure an unbroken night’s sleep, whatever the season.
  • We check our mattresses are under 8 years old and comfy for a full night’s rest.
  • We always offer the choice for students to bring bedding from home, this is a really popular option and helps with the physical and sensory comfort of a home away from home.
  • An Oratory twist ... we grow our own lavender at The Oratory and we know how lavender in the bedroom can help settle a young mind to sleep. We are making our own lavender pillow sprays this year so Housemothers can help scent bed-time pillows! Combine this with sleepy time teas and no caffeinated drinks in the houses, and we look forward to a good night’s sleep!

Sweet dreams!

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