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Oratory CCF RAF section visit RAF Hendon

On Wednesday 12 February, the RAF section of The Oratory's Combined Cadet Force (CCF) visited the RAF museum in Hendon. Here's Sam in 4th Form's account of the trip:

"We looked at aeroplanes from the very first to the very modern, with Sopwith Camels and F-22s being some of the most notable.

When we arrived, the cadets were given 3 questions that needed to be answered, with the first group to complete them receiving something small from the gift shop. We were asked to find out the names of the 3 Cold War V-bombers, the purposes of the RAF boats that were outside, and how many bombers the RAF used in WW2.

As well as being a member of the RAF cadet force, I am a keen photographer. I especially enjoyed taking photographs of these amazing flying machines and learning about the history behind them. The camera that I used for the shots (below) is a Nikon Coolpix B500. The B500 has different colour gradient options that can enhance the camera’s focus or make the subject’s colours warmer or cooler. I also used a smaller camera for the group photographs, which was an Akaso EK7000 Pro. The EK7000 has a remote control that is better for group photographs.

The day was enjoyed by all and we are very grateful to Flying Officer Todd and Acting Pilot Officer Smith who made this brilliant trip possible!"

Sam, 4th Form

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