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A Level Art & 3D Design students visit The Sewell Centre Gallery

Last week, L6th Form A Level Art and 3D Design students visited The Sewell Centre Gallery at Radley College to attend a talk by Janet Lueck on her multi-media printmaking exhibition ‘Ways of Working’. 

A member of the Oxford Printmakers Co-operative, Janet Lueck specialises in creating collagraph prints in strong tonal colours. She is also interested in the layering process of combining monoprint, drypoint, collagraph, Chine-Colle, collage, chalk and watercolour-painterly prints, which are truly multi-media in nature.

This visit provided Oratory students with an excellent opportunity to gain first-hand information from the artist, gather research materials, and enhance their creative development ahead of their first interim portfolio piece utilising collagraph printmaking.

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