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Scholarships & Bursaries

Scholarships, Bursaries, and Military Subsidies

We have a range of military subsidies, sibling discounts, Old Oratorian (Alumni) discounts, completely confidential financial assistance options and, of course, a range of scholarships that are awarded at the main entry ages of 11+, 13+ and 16+.


Scholarships are awarded at the discretion of the Head to recognise excellence, ability, and potential in one or more academic or co-curricular areas. These awards not only carry with them a financial reward but also bestow an enormous amount of prestige and sense of achievement on the pupils selected.

Annually, The Oratory School awards the following scholarships:

  • Academic Scholarships 11+ / 13+ / 16+
  • Art Scholarships 13+ / 16+
  • Drama Scholarships 11+ / 13+ / 16+
  • Music Scholarships 11+ / 13+ / 16+
  • Sports Scholarships  11+ / 13+ / 16+
  • All Rounder Scholarships 11+ / 13+ / 16+

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We wish to ensure that The Oratory is accessible to talented pupils, irrespective of parental income. Therefore, any prospective pupil is eligible to apply for a Bursary to obtain means-tested financial support in respect of school fees. Bursaries do not preclude pupils from holding a scholarship award.

Bursaries can be offered to new pupils and those who are already in the school and whose families have suffered sudden and unexpected financial hardship.

When applying for Admission, parents must indicate in a separate letter to the Admissions Managers that a bursary may be needed. The Bursar will provide an application form which should be completed and returned with the validating documentation requested.  All documentation will be treated as confidential.

The granting of a bursary is discretionary. In making its decisions, the school considers a wide range of appropriate matters including, but not limited to, parental/guardian income (from all sources), assets (including personal property), and other matters that are particular to the pupil such as family circumstances.  All bursaries are reassessed annually.

Military Subsidies

MoD families who claim the Continuity of Education Allowance will be required to pay only the minimum parental contribution of 10% of the fees.

For those families where parents are involved in the military and regularly posted abroad, boarding school is often the only option. Being a traditional full boarding school with 58% of our pupils boarding, The Oratory boasts many benefits.

We have enjoyed links with the military services, and indeed some of our current staff are from military backgrounds. This allows us to offer the best pastoral care for your child, where those on hand can relate to what they may be experiencing.

Military families who claim the Continuity of Education Allowance will be required to pay only the minimum parental contribution of 10% of the basic boarding fees in respect of each child in the school, as stipulated under the CEA Regulations, plus all extras incurred as a result of the education of their child at the school.  

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