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One Oratory Family's Mission to clear Plastic Pollution

Last weekend, Kate in 4th Form and her mum, Lynne, joined Ally Mitchell from Ocean Plastic Pots, Scottish Ocean CleanUp and Skye Beach Cleans on the Isle of Skye in Scotland to help clear the beaches from plastic pollution. This was not just consumer plastic pollution as we so often find but a mission to clear very remote beaches from the ghost nets and fishing ropes that are all products of waste from the fishing industry, in particular salmon farming.

Kate says, "The rope and nets were 2-feet deep in places - and buried in sand. They were incredibly difficult to move and very heavy! We also cleared vast amounts of fish trays and feeding tubes, barrels of oil, tyres and even half of a canoe!"

The rope and net pollution found by Kate and her mum Lynne will now be recycled into plastic for plant pots as part of Ally at Ocean Plastic Pots recycling initiative, which breathes new life into waste materials. Lynne, who is a Sustainability Ambassador and Warrior on Waste, has also collaborated with Ally to design something very special for her Gardena Garden at Chelsea Flower Show this year, where the theme is 'Innovation' and looking at clever ways we can reuse waste.

Lynne says, "Skye is beautiful but what we saw was shocking. I will be continuing to work with Ally and Scottish Ocean CleanUp over the coming months, aiming to clear more beaches, highlight the problem and fight for Government and coastal bodies to bring accountability from the fishing industry and more funding for maintenance of our beautiful beaches. Kate was amazing and the only youngster on the trip. She also worked hard as a runner, learning how to help the film crew who are currently documenting several episodes of the series 'Lynne's Journey to Chelsea Flower Show'. 

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