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Oratory Classics Trip to Wales and the West Country

Over the weekend, an elite group of 4th and 5th form Latinists went on a Classical trip to Wales and the West Country.

We visited the Roman fortress of Caerleon and the nearby civilian settlement of Caerwent on the Saturday, where we had an excellent education session at the National Roman Legionary Museum and had the privilege of a guided tour from an expert on the two sites, grandfather of one of our party!

We saw some excellent bowling skills on display on Sunday night before scuttling back to our hostel in time to dodge Storm Isha.

On Monday, we visited the baths at Bath and were introduced to some Latin inscriptions and artefacts related to the baths in an education session before lunch and a quick chance to explore the city.

An excellent time was had by all.

Rachel Fec, Teacher in Charge of Classics


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